Lula, Protests and Imprisonment
The Ex President of Brazil,Lula da Silva has been the center of attractions in all States of Brazil and around...
The Ex President of Brazil,Lula da Silva has been the center of attractions in all States of Brazil and around...
Photo Niyi Fote / Thenews2 Lula,the Ex President of Brazil is been awaited at the Federal Police building in...
Photo Leco Viana/ Thenews2 The stock car 2018, Curitiba will be led by Full Time driver Rubens Barrichello on...
Photo Leco Viana/ Thenews2 Fans of pop music and music in general,were treated to a pocket show at Chilli Beans...
Lula Behind Bars Photo - Adeleke Anthony Fote Brazilians came out in their large numbers all over the country...
The much awaited third annual Cannes Global Short Film Awards Gala and Luxury Fashion Shows will take place on Saturday...
Photo Niyi Fote/Thenews2 SPFWN45 April 21 to 26,2018 At Pavilhão das Culturas Brasileiras, Ibirapuera Park.-São Paulo.. Photos Niyi...
Photo Niyi Fote/Thenews2 New Train (Linha 13 Jade) direct from Sao Paulo city to Guarulhos International Airport in Guarulhos city...
Photo Leco Viana/ Thenews2 The comedy play presented by Darwin Demarch and Rita Murai changing 7 characters between themselves...
Photo Leco Viana/ Thenews2 For lovers of pizza,a new restaurant has just been opened at Av Jurucê,835 Moema neighborhood of...