27 de fevereiro de 2025
Início » Premio Sao Paulo de Literatura 2016 (Award for Best Books)

Premio Sao Paulo de Literatura 2016 (Award for Best Books)


The Awards for best books below and above 40 years old took place on the 10th of October,2016,at the Library of Villa Lobos Park,Sao Paulo,Brazil with the presence of the Governor of Sao Paulo,Geraldo Alckmin and the Consul General of Mexico in Brazil,Magarita Perez and of course the presence of some of the books` writers.There were many people and it was opened with  musical presentation of an Orquestra band.Three writers from Sao Paulo won the best Romance books;Beatriz Bracher “Anatomia do Paraiso,”-The Anathomy of Paradise for Best Romance book of 2015;Marcelo Maluf “A Imensidao intima dos cordeiros” -The great intimacy of Sheep for best Romance book above 40 years old and Rafael Gallo”Rebentar”-Burst for best Romance Book below 40 years old.Beatriz received R$200,000 and would participate in the International Book Fair in Guadalajara,granted by Embassy of Mexico in Brazil and the Consul General of Mexico in Sao Paulo.The other two winning writers will receive R$100,000 each .

By Niyi Fote

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