23 de fevereiro de 2025
Início » Brazilians mobilize in making masks for donation to a Church in Milan

Brazilians mobilize in making masks for donation to a Church in Milan


From left Luisella Musazzi (Italian nun) Darcy Dias (Brazilian fashion designer) Paulla Fernanda Dias (Brazilian seamstress) & Josiane Donelli (Brazilian Jornalist) Photo Thenews2.

With the new coronavirus pandemic, more people are in need of food donations, reflecting the economic crisis. And the solidarity response of the people who, even in an adverse scenario, are donating more.
So, Brazilian friends in the city of Milan had the initiative to make masks for donation. Fashion designer Darcy, who has lived in Milan for more than 20 years, took the initiative along with her journalist friend, Josiane Donelli who is based in the Italian city and also had the support of Sister Paulla Dias who had this idea of ​​helping those in need.
Between these two points, in the front line of the Catholic Church’s assistance work, priests, nuns and volunteers have their routine changed in times of social distance and masks on their faces. Now that the use of mask is mandatory, children and adult masks have been made and they were delivered to São Basílio Parish this Saturday (02). They were received by the nuns, the Italian Luisella Musazzi and also by the Brazilian Nilma Carmo de Jesus, who were very grateful.
“We are part of the Centro de Escuta Caritas ” that listens to people at the diocesan level and the objective is to listen to people who come either for personal reasons or for economic problems and with difficulties with basic foods and here we try to meet the needs of these families amid coronavirus pandemic, which is a very difficult time and many families have been asking for help and we can help, thanks to the solidarity of so many other people who come in. People make donations in foods and also in money and this happen constantly. It is part of a chain of solidarity where everyone contributes,” says Luisella and Nilma complements the explanation of the work in the Parish.It is giving that you receive, this period is also difficult, but I also want to share a little of what I can do. As long as I am at home, I have time and I made masks with a lot of love,” says Darcy. “Together we join forces and it is always good to do good because this is right. I, especially Darcy and Paulla, collaborated with great pleasure,” emphasizes Josi Donelli.
As sister Luisella said, the Italian school is here to meet so many immigrants of many nationalities and help them with their needs as soon as they arrive here, like learning Italian language and apart from that, we count on the help of several volunteers, people who dedicate their time to teach free of charge so that these immigrants can fit into the reality of our community,” says sister Nilma.

By Niyi Fote/Thenews2

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