Brazilian WOMEN conquering Italy and the world. Happy women’s day!
Photo Erika Moreira/Thenews2

A piece of Brazil in Milan being represented by mothers, entrepreneurs, empowered women such as: the newcomers in the Italian City Josiane Donelli, Journalist of
Fernandópolis (São Paulo) Camille Cordeiro, Model from Curtiba (Paraná) Patrícia Alves, Student from Tangará da Serra (Mato Grosso) and Beach Fashion Designer Darcy Dias de
Recife (Pernambuco) and the photographer Erika Moreira who clicked this beautiful photoshoot is from Grajaú (Maranhão) and Keli Scarabelli who beautified all the women doing the makeup is from Ipatinga (Belo Horizonte), each one carries their history and are gaining space.
Women are not all the same. All are different, but all have the size of the heart in common. They are all kind, they have a caring look and an angelic strength in their gestures.

All are hardworking, some more warriors than others! Women are the beauty of the world. They turn anyone’s life into paradise filled with love and passion. Women deserve to be happy, smile and receive love from everyone.Woman is greatness. It’s a distinction. Woman is unique. It’s seduction. Being a woman is part of a history of struggle and conquest for each of us. Regarding the negative part, it is still under construction, but we can be sure of one thing: the world will get even better. Because women are the window to goodness. They are word. They are song.
Woman is life. She gives life. Nobody mirrors hope as much as women. No one. We should kneel down every night,thanking God for the gift He gave us: the woman. There is nothing that shines more on our planet than women. There is nothing that breathes more love, more truth. Woman is unique from every point of view.
Gratitude, women, for being so special. Happy women’s Day!
By Josi Donelli/Thenews2