Brazilian Singer,Gabriel Diniz Dies in a Plane Crash
Photo Leco Viana/Thenews2…
Famous throughout Brazil after the explosion of the song “Jenifer”, the 28-year-old Brazilian singer Gabriel Diniz died on Monday, the victim of a plane crash. The musician was in an aircraft in the town of Porto do Mato, in Estância, southern region of Sergipe. Before, he had done a show in Feira de Santana, in Bahia.
Gabriel Diniz was in an aircraft with two more passengers. The three bodies were found in a mangrove and forest area, which made it difficult for the fire department to recognize the victims. According to the Brazilian Aeronautical Registry (RAB), the aircraft used by the singer was authorized only to carry out instructional flights.
The singer was born in 1990 in Campo Grande (MS), was 28 years old and spent all his childhood in João Pessoa (Paraíba), and died on the anniversary of his girlfriend, Karoline Calheiros, who turned 25 today.
By Thiago Bassan/Thenews2..
Photos Leco Viana/Thenews2